Who we are:

Discipling students to take hold of their faith and trust in His grace all for the glory of God.

  • In other words, we are about discipleship. We firmly believe that as students become disciples, they will be able to know God and experience the abundant life that He has for them.

  • Our strategy as we teach students how to walk with Jesus is called “The Disciple’s Path.” This strategy takes students through 5 steps as they grow in their walks with Jesus:

    • Come to church

    • Learn the Bible

    • Grow in discipleship

    • Serve in ministry

    • Bring the lost

  • We would love for your students to come and be a part of our family. If you would like to get connected or if you have any questions, contact our Student Pastor, Jason Lawson, at jason@sesbc.org

Weekly Schedule 

Connect group. Sunday 9:40-10:40am.

This Bible study serves two functions, to grow deeper in your understanding of Scripture & to connect you to other Christians. If you have questions about God, this is a great place to start!

Servant Leadership. Sunday 5-7pm.

This is hardcore discipleship where we learn to apply what you have learned about God, the Bible and others. "Where Knowledge Becomes Experience!"


D-Groups. Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm.

This Bible study is led by students, for students. Together teenagers walk through the Word of God and learn of His character, His power and His love

Annual Events

Imperfect Parents Devotional

Its a time when we are going to come together, learn about God and pray for His blessing on our family. The rules are it will be no more than 5 minutes. There will not be edits We will talk about anything and everything parenting. And finally, no excuses. Please join us.

Social Media

Follow us on Instagram @southelmstudent